Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) Annual Conference

Jan 9, 2019 through Jan 10, 2019 (All day)
Deer Creek State Park
Carroll Hamann or Rachel Pinkus

Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association
Annual Conference

January 9-10, 2019

Deer Creek State Park
22300 State Park Rd. 20
Mount Sterling, OH 43143


Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - Vendor Set-Up and Reception
4:00 - 9:00 pm          Vendor Set-Up
6:00 pm                     Vendor Reception at Harding’s Lounge

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - Septic System Maintenance and Exhibition
8:00 am Welcome
Mound operation and maintenance with Ralph Benson, RAB Onsite Consulting 
Testing and sampling effluent from onsite systems with Marcy Bolek, Alloway Labs

10:15 – 11:00 am Break – visit exhibitors
Transportation safety for septic system contractors with Phil Haskins, Public Utilities Commission 

12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch
Why do septic systems malfunction with Dr. Karen Mancl, Ohio State University
Septic tank effluent filters with Justin Setser, Polylok, Inc.

3:00 – 3:45 pm Break – visit exhibitors
Finding and retaining labor for septic system contractors with Angie Booth-Peters, Danis Construction

5:00 – 7:00 pm Vendor Sponsored Reception for All Attendees

7:00 pm Dinner (optional)

Thursday, January  10, 2019 - Ammonia and Nitrogen in Wastewater and Business Meeting

8:30 am Welcome
Nitrogen in wastewater with Dr. Karen Mancl, The Ohio State University
NPDES systems - Ammonia limits and system performance with Brian Hall, Ohio EPA

10:30 – 11:00 am Break
Onsite systems for ammonia and nitrogen removal with Dr. Mary Lusk, University of Florida

12:00 – 1:30 pm Awards luncheon & OOWA Business meeting
Onsite systems for ammonia and nitrogen removal (continued)
Reviewing data for pre-treatment devices with Walt Sandefur, Sandefur Consulting

3:00 pm Adjourn

This Program is Pending Approval for 10 Hours of Continuing Education by the State Board of Sanitarians and the Ohio Dept. of Health for Installers, Service Providers, and Septage Haulers.