Textbooks for Soil and Site Evaluation for Onsite Wastewater Treatment


$200 per person.  In addition, textbooks need to be purchased as hard copy or ebooks.


Text books:

Mussel Color Book http://www.forestry-suppliers.com/product_pages/Products.asp?mi=73221&itemnum=77321&title=Munsell%AE%20Soil%20Color%20Book (Links to an external site.)

Wetland Soils: Genesis, Hydrology, Landscapes and Classifications. Vepraskas, M. and C. Craft. 2016. https://www.crcpress.com/Wetland-Soils-Genesis-Hydrology-Landscapes-and-Classification-Second/Vepraskas-Craft/p/book/9781439896983 (Links to an external site.)

Suitability of Ohio Soils for Treating Wastewater. Mancl, K. and B. Slater. OSU Extension Bull 896. http://estore.osu-extension.org/Suitability-of-Ohio-Soils-for-Treating-Wastewater-P188.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Site and Soil Evaluation for Onsite Wastewater Treatment. Mancl, K. and B. Slater. OSU Extension Bulletin 905. http://estore.osu-extension.org/Soil-and-Site-Evaluation-for-Onsite-Wastewater-Treatment-P457.aspx