Beginning with a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science, Karen received her Masters in Environmental Science and a PhD in Water Resources. Though out her 35 years working in the onsite wastewater treatment industry, Karen has strived to be recognized as an aspiring teacher and innovative scholar. Working to enhance the quality of the environment in communities large and small. She is a member of ASABE, Water Environment Federation, American Water Works Association, Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association and Ohio Academy of Science. Some of the many awards that Karen has received include: The Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, Water Management Association of Ohio Distinguished Service Award, Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association Distinguished Service Award, OSU-CFAES Bill Williams Faculty and Staff Award for Diversity and the Faculty Mentoring Award for the OSU College of Engineering. While Karen was teaching and researching, she found time to complete a Masters in East Asian Studies at The Ohio State University and now works with Chinese scientist and engineers to develop rural wastewater treatment systems. She also completed an MA in Public Policy and works with the Woodrow Wilson Center - China Environment Forum, an international policy think-tank in Washington DC.
To learn more, visit Karen's university profile.