Food Processing Wastewater Articles

Food Processing Wastewater Treatment

Conroy, K.M., F. Chen, O.H. Tuovinen and K.M. Mancl. 2020. Effect of sodium chloride concentration on removal of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia from turkey processing wastewater in sand bioreactors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(1):33-37.

Henderson, K. and K. Mancl. 2019. Reverse osmosis treating cured meat processing wastewater for removal of inorganic nutrients and salt. Annual International Meeting ASABE Publication Number 1900350.

Mancl, K., R. Kopp and O. Tuovinen. 2018. Treatment of meat-processing wastewater with a full-scale, low-cost sand/gravel bioreactor system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(2):403-409.

Conroy, K., L. Wang, O. Tuovinen, Z.T. Yu and K. Mancl. 2018. Microbial Communities in Sand Bioreactors Treating High Salt Content Food Industry Wastewater. WEFTEC 2018. 8 pages.

Conroy, K., F. Chen and K. Mancl. 2018. Sand Bioreactors for treatment of high salt content wastewater. Annual International Meeting ASABE. Publication Number 1800047. 

Mancl, K. and R. Kopp. 2017. Birds in the Sand – Sand bioreactor solves turkey processing wastewater woes. Water and Waste Digest. July

Gunarathna, T.V.N.M., C. Wang, K. Mancl and O. Tuovinen. 2016. Evaluation of Flow-Equalization in Laboratory-Scale Sand/Textile Bioreactors for the Treatment of High-Strength Wastewater. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 32(6):803-809.  DOI 10.13031/aea.32.11254

Mancl, K., R. Kopp and O. Tuovinen. 2016. Treatment of Meat-processing Wastewater With a Low-cost Sand/gravel Bioreactor System. WEFTEC 2016. Water Environment Federation. 10 pages.

Gaur, R. S., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. H. 2015. Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater Using Sand and Textile Bioreactors. Applied Engineering In Agriculture. 31(4):605-609. 

Mancl, K., Kopp, R., and Tuovinen, O. 2015. Low-Cost Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater with a Sand/Gravel Bioreactor System. Annual International Meeting ASABE. Publication Number 2176190. 8 pages. 

Xu, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2014. Using a Hydroponic System with Tall Fescue to Remove Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Renovated Turkey Processing Wastewater. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(3):435-441. 

Mancl, K., Gaur, R., and Tuovinen, O. 2013. Cold Temperature Impacts on Treatment of Meat Processing Wastewater. Proc. 2013 Annual meeting ASABE. St. Joseph, MI. Paper number 1583136.

Xu, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2013. Using Tall Fescue to Remove Nutrients from Renovated Turkey Processing Wastewater. Proc. 2013 Annual meeting ASABE. St. Joseph, MI. Paper number 1583354.

Wang, C., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2013. Comparison of Application Strategies for Fixed-Media Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater. Proc. 2013 Annual meeting ASABE. St. Joseph, MI. Paper number 1581692.

Gaur, R. S., Cai, L., Tuovinen, O., and Mancl, K. 2010. Pretreatment of Turkey Fat-Containing Wastewater in Coarse Sand and Gravel/Coarse Sand Bioreactors. Bioresource Technology. 101(3):1106-1110. 

Kang, Y. W., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2007. Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater with Sand Filtration. Bioresource Technology. 98(7):1460-1466.

Kang, Y. W., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2007. Recovery of Sand Bioreactor Performance Through Resting Following Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(6):719-725.

Gaur, R., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2007. Pretreatment of Turkey Fat in Wastewater in Sand Bioreactors. Proc. of the 11th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASABE. Publication Number 701P1107. 7 pages.

Gaur, R., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2007. Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater with Sand and Sand/Textile Bioreactors. Proc. of the 11th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASABE. Publication Number 701P1107. 4 pages.

Xi, J., Mancl, K. M., and Tuovinen, O. H. 2005. Carbon Transformation During Sand Filtration of Cheese Processing Wastewater. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 2(2): 271-274. 

Guar, R. S., Cai, L., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2005. Pretreatment of Animal Fat Through Coarse Sand Filters. Proceedings NOWRA Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. 10 pages. 

Kang, Y. W., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2005. Feasibility of Renovating Turkey Processing Wastewater Using Fixed Film Bioreactors.   Proceedings NOWRA Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. 10 pages. 

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2003. Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Utilization in Layered Sand Filter Biofilm Systems Receiving Milkfat and Detergent Mixtures. Bioresource Technology 89(2003):275-279.

Xi, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2003. Transformations and Accumulation of Carbon in Gravel/Sand Filters Treating Cheese Processing Wastewater. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes. ASAE St. Joseph, MI. pages   341-349. 

Kang, Y. W., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2003. Biological Treatment of Turkey Processing Wastewater with Coarse/Fine Sand Filtration. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes. ASAE St. Joseph, MI. pages 44-49.

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2000. High Fat Wastewater Remediation Using Layered Sand Filter Biofilm Systems. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes. ASAE St. Joseph, MI. pages 242-248. 

Xi, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2000. Biological Treatment of Cheese-Processing Effluents with Gravel/Sand Filtration. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes. ASAE St. Joseph, MI. pages 151-157. 

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 1999. Study of the Use of Fine Media Biofilm Reactors to Renovate High Fat Wastewater. Small Flows Journal. 5(1):4-11. 

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 1998. Effect of Inoculation on the Formation of Aerobic Biofilms to Degrade Butterfat/Detergent Mixtures. Bioresources Technology.64:27-32. 

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 1998. Removal of Butterfat COD and BOD5 in Inoculated Sand Columns. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 14(3):287-291. 

Liu, Q., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 1998. Biodegradation of Butterfat Supplemented with Surfactant and Detergent Formulation in Bench-Scale Sand Column Biofilm Systems. Proc. of the 8th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE. 

Wu, J., Mancl, K. M., and Tuovinen, O. H. 1994. Biodegradation of Vegetable Oils Using Fixed-Film Systems. Proc. of the 7th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.