Wastewater Treatment
Conroy, K, J Poelstra, and K Mancl. 2024. Impact of salinity and time on structure and functional potential of wastewater treatment biolilms in intermittent sand bioreactors. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 70(1) https://doi.org/10.2323/jgam.2023.12.003
Conroy, K and K Mancl. 2022. Understanding the adoption of urine-diverting dry toilets (UDDTs) in low- and lower-middle-income countries using the diffusion of innovation framework. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 12(12): 905-920. doi: 10.2166/washdev.2022.154
Conroy, K and K Mancl. 2021. Treatment of seawater salinity sewage with intermittent sand bioreactors. Water Science and Technology. DOI 10.2166/wst.2021.423
Ding, G, K Mancl, J Lee and OH Tuovinen. 2021. Bacterial movement in subsurface soil during winter irrigation of reclaimed wastewater. Sustainability. 13:1-10. Doi.org/10.3390/su13179594
Liu, K., E. Park, KM Mancl, J. Lee and O.H. Tuovinen. 2020. Batch UV disinfection for small flow onsite wastewater treatment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(5):717-725. doi.org/10.13031/aea.13398
Guo, YT, K. Mancl, and R. Moore. 2020. Water quality trading mechanisms enhances willingness to upgrade rural household septic systems in the western Lake Erie basin, northwest Ohio. Journal of Environmental Health. 82(6):8-15.
Griffin, J., and Mancl, K. 2017. Onsite Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater in Winter to Determine Potential for Pollutant Runoff. Ohio Journal of Science. 117(2):74-84. doi.org/10.18061/ojs.v117i2.6026
Park, E., K. Mancl, O. Tuovinen, M. Bisesi and J. Lee. 2016. Ensuring Safe Reuse of Residential Wastewater: Reduction of microbes and genes using peat biofilter and batch chlorine in an on-site treatment system. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 121:1777-1788.doi:10.1111/jam.13288
Rowan, M., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2013. Evaluation of Drip Irrigation Emitters Distributing Primary and Secondary Wastewater Effluents. Irrigation and Drainage Systems Engineering. 2(3):7 pages.
Agidi, S., Velachalam, S., Mancl, K., and Lee, J. 2013. Effectiveness of Onsite Wastewater Reuse System in Reducing Bacterial Contaminants Measured with Human-Specific IMS/ATP and qPCR. Journal of Environmental Management. 115(2013):167-174.
Velachalam, S., Hitzhusen, F. J., and Mancl, K. M. 2013. Economic Analysis of Poorly Sited Septic Systems: A Hedonic Pricing Approach. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 56(3):329-344. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2012.673864
Tao, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2011. A Potential Sanitary Sewer Overflow Treatment Technology: Fixed Media Bioreactors. Water Environment Research. 83(8):714-721.
Gunn, K. M. and Mancl, K. M. 2011. Investigating Methods for Preventing Cold Induced Freezing of Irrigation Sprinklers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(2):253-260.
Tao, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2010. Attenuation of Pollutants in Sanitary Sewer Overflow: Comparative Evaluation of Treatment with Fixed Media Bioreactors. Bioresource Technology 101(2010):1781-1786.
Tao, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2009. Using Fixed Media Bioreactors to Control the Environmental Impact of Sanitary Sewer Overflow. Proceedings of WEFTEC 2009. Water Environment Federation.
Vedachalam, S., Schmiedeler, J. P., and Mancl, K. M. 2009. Automation of Delivery Devise for Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(6):915-921.
Tao, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2009. Treatment of Sanitary Sewer Overflows with Fixed Media Bioreactors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(1):39-43.
Caldwell, H., Mancl, K., and Quigley, M. 2007. The Effect of Year-Round Irrigation of Landscape Plant Quality and Health in Ohio. Ohio Journal of Science 107(4):77-81.
Gaur, R. and Mancl, K. 2007. Spectrophotommetric Measurement of Chlorine Dioxide Residuals in Wastewater Disinfection Using Lissamine Green B. Proc. of the 11th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASABE. Publication Number 701P1107. 6 pages.
Gulian-Krishnaswamy, H. S. and Mancl, K. 2007. Design of Delivery Device for Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection. Proc. of the 11th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASABE. Publication Number 701P1107. 8 pages.
Tao, J., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. H. 2007. Removal of COD and BOD5 in Sanitary Sewer Overflow with Fixed Media Bioreactors. Proc. of the 11th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASABE. Publication Number 701P1107. 7 pages.
Rowan, M., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2005. Performance of Drip Irrigation Emitters Distributing Primary and Secondary Wastewater Effluent. Proceedings NOWRA Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. 10 pages.
Rowan, M., and Mancl, K. 2005. Spray Irrigation Design for On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems in Ohio. 2005. Proceedings NOWRA Annual Conference. Cleveland, Ohio. 7 pages.
Rowan, M., Mancl, K., and Tuovinen, O. 2004. Clogging of Drip Irrigation Emitters Distributing Effluents of Differing Levels of Treatment. Proc. of the 10th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE. St. Joseph, MI., pages. 84- 91.
Mancl, K. 2003. Why Septic Systems Malfunction. Ohio Country Journal. April, p. 43.
Mancl, K. 2003. If you use a Well, Test your Water. Ohio Country Journal, January, p. 27.
Mancl, K. 2002. Model for Success in Onsite Wastewater Management. Journal of Environmental Health. 64(9):29-31.
Mancl, K. M., Vollmer. 2001. Management of Individual Mechanical Sewage Treatment Systems - How Much is Needed? Journal of Environmental Health. 63(9):22-25.
Mancl, K., and Slater, B. 2001. Suitability Assessment of Ohio's Soils for Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment. Ohio Journal of Science. 101(3/4):48-56. Reprinted 2002. Ohio Journal of Environmental Health 52(1):29-37.
Mancl, K., and Rosencrans, R. 2001. Water Augmentation Through Onsite Wastewater Management. Proc. of the 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.St. Joseph, MI.
Mancl, K., and Patterson, S. 2001. Twenty Years of Success in Septic System Management. Proc. of the 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.St. Joseph, MI.
Mancl, K. 2001. Onsite Wastewater Management: A Model for Success. Proc. of the 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.St. Joseph, MI.
Verma, A. and Mancl, K. 2001. Empirical Models for Effectiveness of Single Pass Sand Filters for Wastewater Treatment. Proc. of the 9th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.St. Joseph, MI.
Mancl, K. 1999. Survey of Permitting Practices for Onsite Sewage Treatment Systems in Ohio. Ohio Journal of Science. 99(3):38-43.
Peeples, J. and K. Mancl. 1998. Laboratory Scale Septic Tanks. Ohio Journal of Science. 98(4/5):75-79.
Widrig, D., Peeples, J., and Mancl, K. 1996. Intermittent Sand Filtration for Domestic Waste Water Treatment: Effects of Filter Depth and Hydraulic Parameters. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 12(4): 451-459.
Peeples, J., Mancl, K., and Widrig, D. 1991. Intermittent Sand Filter Treatment Efficiency as it Relates to Media Depth, Infiltration Rate, and Detention Time. Proc. of the 6th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.
Mancl, K. and Peeples, J. 1991. One Hundred Years Later: Reviewing the Work of the Massachusetts State Board of Health on the Intermittent Sand Filtration of Wastewater from Small Communities. Proc. of the 6th National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems ASAE.
New York Sand Bioreactors
Wulfhorst, P. and Mancl, K. 1990. Community Decision Making in Providing Sewer Service to a Rural Area. The Environmental Professional. 12(2): 163-170.
Mancl, K. 1990. A Survey of Small Sewage Treatment Facilities in Ohio. The Ohio Journal of Science. 90(4): 112 - 117.
Mancl, K., and Patterson, S. 1988. Management of On-Site Sewage Systems at a Lake Development. The Environmental Professional. 10(4):317-325.
Mancl, K., and Duffalo, M. 1987. Circuit Riding for Managing Small Community Sewage Systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 11(2):203-208.
Mancl, K. 1984. Estimating Septic Tank Pumping Frequency. J. of the Environmental Engineering Division ASCE. 110(1):283-285.
Mancl, K., and Beer, C. E. 1982. High Density Use of Septic Systems, Avon Lake, Iowa. Proc. of the Iowa Acad. of Science. 89(1):1-6.
Mancl, K., Beer, C. E., and Patterson, S. 1982. A Case Study of the Lake Panorama Management District. Proc. of the 3rd National Symposium on Individual and Community Sewage Treatment ASAE. pp.236-239.