Over $10 million dollars was saved, by an Ohio meat processor, by treating their wastewater in a new way. A sand bioreactor system was developed based on research conducted at The Ohio State University. This university-industry partnership has saved jobs, money, and is protecting the environment with effluents exceeding the quality of conventional treatment systems.
Regulators, designers, food processors, and installers will learn about the development of a low-cost system for treating high- strength wastewater. The highlight of the workshop is a tour of the treatment system.
Agenda 10:30 – 2:30
•Intro to low cost wastewater treatment
•Sand bioreactor system-how does it work?
•Critical elements in design and operation
- Media matters
- Dosing matters
- Application rate matters
•Construction is simple
•Operation and maintenance is even simpler
•Tour the Plant-dress for the weather
Registration Form
Schedule a 1-Day Workshop and Plant Tour
Send to: Dr. Karen Mancl - Ohio State University
590 Woody Hayes Dr Columbus, OH 43210
Phone 614-292-4505
Email: mancl.1@osu.edu
Name ___________________________ Organization:_____________________
Org. Mailing Address______________________________________________________
Phone ( )______________________ Email ___________________________
Fees: $100 per person
Make checks payable to: Ohio State University